Solution to the

Business & Startup Community

Network, Upskill, Scale Business...

A platform that helps you to connect to your peers & business connects to meet all your business needs through Upskilling, Networking & Business services

An aggregator platform that builds relevant connections between professionals, startups, organizations & enterprises to accelerate their growth by networking, upskilling & providing business solutions needs. Owing to the evolving industry dynamics & high competition for growth. LIKES definitely opens a huge connecting platform benefitting everyone in the ecosystem. The entire framework is built on the present market scenario.

The concept

Ancient Panchtatva in Modern Education :
The classical concept of Panchtatva in the modern finishing school focused on transforming talents into skilled professionals by bringing the power of five elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Sky.


The Knowledge element

Ourea helps individuals to update on their technical skills through Upskilling /Reskilling. The modules /curriculum for the technical sessions are been formulated by subject matter experts from the industry. The business community gets to have a better understanding of the market /Industry through various platforms -workshops & events The platform also helps to realize & choose from the wide variety of business solutions as well as to get skilled human resources

FIRE - Passion

The determination aspect

Ourea helps individuals to identify their passion and zest and figure out their area of interest through Upskilling via a Personality development session. We also connect you to reliable & verified business service support to ignite the growth of your venture. LIKES fuels your passion by letting you interact with subject matter experts & corporate leaders who could guide you to reach your professional goals.

WATER - Shapeshifter

The flexible factor

Like water, the entire ecosystem needs to blend with the other members of the community to get the business promoted & boost professional growth. In a stress-filled professional world, to keep cool realizing how business & startups work, it is required to connect with business leaders & corporate coaches who could build a strong personality in you as well teach you to explore opportunities along with being flexible in approach. The right blend of people contributes towards building & growing the business culture at its best.

 AIR - Smoother

The communication element

The networking platform helps individuals to connect, collaborate, communicate & grow their businesses. The community totally gets benefitted from the right connection. Owing to the evolving industry dynamics, competing for growth, the organization needs productive workforce etc, it is quite essential to seek the right association as it leads to expansion & scale of business empowering the ecosystem in total.

 SKY - Boudless

The networking concept

Like the boundless sky, the professionals need to realize the wide spectrum of an ecosystem that can help in networking with the right people and also learn the corporate etiquettes that wrap their professional identity making them noticeable in the industry. The ultimate aim of the community /platform is to help every member – be it professional, corporate, organization or startup ecosystem to achieve the highest level where even sky is no limit.

The solution to strengthening Business Ecosystem

An aggregator platform with networking & service /product provisions will definitely open a huge market benefitting everyone in the ecosystem. LIKES would prove market fit as the entire framework is built on ask of the present market that satisfies all the targeted customers’ needs


Owing to the evolving industry dynamics, competing for growth, an organization needs a productive workforce. Professionals are upgrading their skills to get them positioned in the competitive scenario. Re-skilling & Upskilling would sharpen the skills of individuals making them an asset to organizations.


Startup requires a platform to connect to enterprises for investments/providing service along with mentoring support from subject experts. Professionals & Corporates connect with each other to hire & get hired. Startup & Entrepreneurs get connected Mentors, coaches & subject matter experts to get the best version of them.

Business Solutions

Getting quality service /products with choices & affordability is again a tedious one. In order to get the best services startups/organizations & enterprises are constantly exploring different business opportunities in different industry sectors expand their global network for reliable & quality business solutions.